Parents as Partners

St Rose Advisory Committee & Parent Engagement Network (PEN)

Parent involvement at St Rose

Parents are our partners at St Rose and we value the connection and warmth that we all feel in our school community. You are invited to contribute to St Rose through our Parent Engagement Network, St Rose Advisory Committee, the Parish Sacramental Program and Parish Pastoral Council.

Being involved in your child’s school life is a fulfilling way to support their education and shape the school’s future. Joining our parent groups is a wonderful way to form some lifelong friendships and model our value of service to others for our children.

You can participate as little or as much as you like, and enjoy your child’s excitement at seeing you help out.

Our canteen is open Mondays and Fridays for recess and lunch. It operates with a Canteen Manager and volunteer parents. If you would like to volunteer at the canteen, please contact  Menu and ordering information can be found in the Qkr! app.

Parent Engagement Network

You are welcome to join our Parent Engagement Network (PEN) which is an active group of St Rose parents with the aims of:

  • Supporting our Principal to run the school effectively
  • Providing opportunities for parents to get together
  • Informing and educating parents about what’s happening at St Rose
  • Hosting fundraising events, when needed

All parents are invited to come along and find out what is happening behind the scenes at school through the PEN. Each class has dedicated PEN Class Parents who help out with social functions within the school, welcome new families to the class and organise class social events.

If you have an idea or issue for the PEN to consider, please email We’d love to hear from you.

Please have a look at the school calendar to find out when the next meeting is scheduled.

Function and History of the PEN Class Kitty Reconciliation Class Parent Handbook Parent Engagement Team Constitution